Tip – Curing Excessive Body Motion In Your Putting
Making putts requires that the face of the putter is square to the intended target line at the moment of contact with the ball. Good putters accomplish this by maintaining a triangle between the arms and shoulders throughout the stroke. Many problems in putting are because of excessive movement in the head or upper body […]
Tip of the Week – Bunker Practice
Having trouble hitting the correct amount of sand from the bunker? This is one of Jim Mclean’s favorite drills. Make several footprints in the sand. Then take practice swings erasing the footprints you just made. Try not to take a lot of sand, but just lightly brush the length of the footprint with the bottom […]
Tip of the Week Series – Proper Setup of Golf Swing Part 4
Ball position in relation to our feet is very important in determining at which point the club will make contact with the golf ball. If the ball is positioned too far forward, the club will reach the ball after it is already swinging back to the left, causing the player to pull the ball and […]
Tip of the Week Series – Proper Setup of Golf Swing Part 3
In every golf shot, whether it is a drive or a putt, the body must be aligned correctly. If our aim is off, we don’t want to have a good swing because the ball would not go towards the target. To align the body correctly, the toes, knees, hips, shoulders and eyes should all be parallel […]
Tip of the Week Series – Proper Setup of Golf Swing Part 2
The most important part of our golf swing is our setup. Our swing will be determined by the way we set up our body. As we setup, our spine must be positioned at 90 degrees to the lie angle of the club and should be straight. If the spine is bent or out of position […]
Tip of the Week Series – Proper Setup of Golf Swing Part 1
The position we put our hands on the club will determine face angle at impact. Therefore it is very important to put our hands on the correctly. Depending on our intended ball flight we could put our hands on the club in a neutral position, a strong position or a weak position. The neutral grip […]